As our Senior Project Manager, Rabab is responsible for planning, overseeing and leading projects from ideation through to completion. She has 4 years of experience in the Market Research...
Tasneem Mustafa is GLMR’s Field Supervisor. With 5 years of experience, Tasneem has a good understanding of the management and organizational skills, and is able to lead the team...
Ahmed is responsible for planning and overseeing projects to ensure they are completed on time and within the best budget. He is also in charge of planning and designating...
As the Data Analyst for GLMR, Tasneem is responsible for scrutinizing information using data analysis tools to pull out meaningful results from the raw data acquired. This data helps...
Khadija acts as a liaison between the organization and its clients, aiming to provide reliable and impeccable service for everyone. She ensures that the needs and expectations of each...
Project Supervisor at GLMR, with 2 years of Market Research experience in the MENA region. She has handled various multi-country projects. She supports the Project Manager in all the...
With 2 years of experience in the Market Research industry, Lara is responsible for coordinating all recruitment needs for given projects. Her duties at GLMR involve picking internal team...
Linda is in charge of managing a company’s relationships with its customers. She maintains accurate client records, keeping track of any contract updates and renewals. She helps with quarterly...
Awra Nooruddin is GLMR’s Data Processing Manager. She is responsible for encoding various information in the organization’s database, from either manual or electronic communicational exchanges. She specializes in organizing...
As our Quality Control Officer, Farida meticulously interprets and reviews all of our data. She is in charge of inspecting the completed work, and the work-in-progress to determine whether...